Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Drinking Alone

By Linda aka Freyja on September 20, 2014

Convair has been turning out some very stylish-looking kitchen prefabs of late and this Ridge kitchen for FaMESHed is no exception. For once, I resisted the urge to play with the adult poses and instead dressed up with a bit of a vintage feel in jewellery from Eclectica and a dress from Sn@tch.

Drinking Alone

The Ridge kitchen comes in either a PG or an Adult version and in a choice of three colour schemes; light, medium and dark. I’m using the dark set in the adult version for this post. The set consists of the main kitchen area, a kitchen island and a chair. There are animations in each of the three pieces; solo and couple in the PG version and solo, couple and adult in the Adult version. The land impact is 27.

Drinking Alone

I paired the Simone Retro Dress from Sn@tch with the Vogue set from Eclectica for the Jewelry Fair. The set includes necklace, earrings and rings and there is also a matching watch. The stones are colour-change via touch and you have a choice between gold or silver for the metal. There’s definitely an Art Deco feel about the shape of this set but overall I think it comes across as pretty timeless and versatile.I really like the shape of the stone setting, it is quite a unique and interesting look.

This shot also gives a look at another variation from the huge release of manicures for Slink hands from alaskmetro.

Finall, I am wearing the Serene skin from Imabee again together with the Rachel hair from Wasabi Pills.

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