Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Dystopian Carnivale

By Linda aka Freyja on August 22, 2014

My roleplay looks are usually fantasy or history inspired, but Eudora 3D’s Carnivale outfit from We Love Role-Play‘s August round called for different surroundings. I thought there was something slightly dark and twisted about the outfit and the Forbidden City sim offered just the right surroundings. With the Carnivale outfit I am wearing a pair of sexy sandals from Bushu shoes.

Dystopian Carnivale

Let’s take a closer look at Carnivale by Eudora 3D to start with. Eudora 3D is a fairly new brand but the creators behind it are clearly very experienced at modelling and texturing. The level of realism in these pieces is quite astonishing. I was also very pleased with the fit, which played very nicely with the updated Slink Physique.

Dystopian Carnivale

The Pagan sandals from Bushu are a set of dead-sexy fake-snake sandals for the Slink high feet. Here, too, we get gorgeous levels of detail in the texturing and top-notch modelling. It is a very skimpy little shoe, with more naked than covered foot, and the many straps make a bit of an edgy impression.

You’ll find Bushu shoes on the Marketplace or on Slink West.

Dystopian Carnivale

I just had to finish off with a full-body shot, to show off the updated Slink Physique body. I loved it before and I love it even more now; it has been given a smoother finish, some areas have been gently rounded, and the alpha hud has had a great many new alpha options added.

My hair is Exile’s Rising Tides and my skin is PXL’s Faith, with appliers for Slink’s body, hands and feet.

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