Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Forests of the Night

By Linda aka Freyja on June 23, 2012

The Fairy Tales event opened yesterday. It runs until July 8th, but with such a theme I just had to try and get in there as soon as possible. The haul from my first visit ended up being a hair from Exile and a mesh corset from Aura. I had my eye on another mesh piece as well, but since there wasn’t a demo I had to pass it by.

I am also wearing a pair of brand-new mesh sandals (with mesh feet) from lassitude & ennui and I am using the Godswood skybox from Trompe Loeil.

As always, themed events offer quite a few unique and interesting pieces. They may not fit well into your everyday wardrobe, but for photography I find they can be very inspiring. Right now, the event is rather laggy, but there’s definitely pieces there that are worth suffering a bit of slowness for.

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