Forests of the Night
The Fairy Tales event opened yesterday. It runs until July 8th, but with such a theme I just had to try and get in there as soon as possible. The haul from my first visit ended up being a hair from Exile and a mesh corset from Aura. I had my eye on another mesh piece as well, but since there wasn’t a demo I had to pass it by.
I am also wearing a pair of brand-new mesh sandals (with mesh feet) from lassitude & ennui and I am using the Godswood skybox from Trompe Loeil.
As always, themed events offer quite a few unique and interesting pieces. They may not fit well into your everyday wardrobe, but for photography I find they can be very inspiring. Right now, the event is rather laggy, but there’s definitely pieces there that are worth suffering a bit of slowness for.