Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Hunting Season

By Linda aka Freyja on December 03, 2012

The third With Love hunt started a few days ago and an impressive lineup of quality merchants are offering high-value items for just L$10. I haven’t had time to do more than check out some of the absolute must-haves so far, and I have not been disappointed. I am showing just one of the many prizes from the Plastik together with a necklace from newly-opened store Cae and a brand-new Adam n Eve skin which isn’t part of the hunt.

Hunting Season

The prize box from the Plastik is huge and showcases the wide variety of items available at the store. I picked out this mesh dress to showcase, mostly since I had already shown one of the metal corsets recently.

Hunting Season

The Carolyn is the third of a new generation of skins at Adam n Eve and she comes in an additional, darker tone compared to the two previous releases. Other than that she has the same gorgeous body.

A bit of a shorter post this time around since I am in the middle of a long overdue computer switch around. It will take me a while to get comfortable with the new setup, but SL sure runs a lot better now!

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