Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

In the Court of Love

By Linda aka Freyja on May 12, 2019

I picked up this bed, called Court of Love Bed, from Violetility on the last Saturday sale. A fabulous deal for all the animations included, I am particularly impressed with the range and variety of single animations. Having lots of great couple animations is always good, but for photos single animations are often much easier to work with if you also want to show off an outfit. Like this Gabriella set by Voluptas Virtualis for Kinky, which definitely deserves a good look.

In the Court of Love

Gabriella includes the usual sizes (Belleza Freya, Maitreya Lara and Slink Hourglass) and consists of top (the buckled breastband) and skirt. There are several colouring zones across the skirt, allowing for a variety of combinations when using the HUD.

In the Court of Love

The ponytail is from Truth, the latest VIP group gift, and it is an example of the new textures and new colours. I have to say that the reds aren’t quite to my liking with these new textures, though the textures themselves are VERY nice.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Lia, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Alaskametro Cora Tone 1
Hair: Truth Horizon
Clothes: Voluptas Virtualis Gabriella (Kinky)
Decor: Fanatik Dungan Castle, Violetility Court of Love Bed Dark

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