Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Market Day

By Linda aka Freyja on August 12, 2020

There’s a new event in town, the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, which features items for Legacy Perky, Maitreya Lara’s Petite add-on and the Petite add-on for Slink Physique Original and Slink Physique Hourglass. In short, the body variations that offer support for a smaller bust. In this post, I am featuring a tunic by Faida & Velvet Whip which I am wearing on the Legacy Perky body. To set the scene, I am using two different releases from Roawenwood plus a very atmospheric backdrop from Paleto. I am also wearing another skin from the alaskametro Garden Party hunt.

Market Day

At We Love Role-Play, Roawenwood has a set for creating your very own spice vendor, and I thought these exotic herbs and spices looked just right in the kind of setting offered by the backdrop.

Market Day

Also from Roawenwood is the Naughty Box. It includes 27 single animations and 15 adult couple sets. There are also 11 different texts to choose from for the sign.

Market Day

The Aury tunic by Faida & Velvet Whip is available for Legacy, Legacy Perky, Maitreya Lara, Maitreya Lara Petite and Slink Physique Original Petite. There’s quite a few colours to choose from and as you can see it is entirely open at the sides.


On Freyja:

Body Parts: The Shops Legacy Perky body, The Shops Legacy hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, LeLutka eyes with Skin Within applier
Skin: Skin: alaskametro Lily Tone 0 (Garden Party Hunt)
Hair: Stealthic Embers
Clothes: Faida & Velvet Whip Aury Burgundy (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)

On Ran:

Body Parts: Slink Physique Male body, Slink hands & feet, Slink Visage Redux Finn head
Skin: Birth Cash
Hair: Dura U99
Clothes: Stitched Ayden Red
Accessories: Slink Gladiator Sandals

Decor: Roawenwood Herbs & Spice MarketSet (We Love Role-Play) and Naughty Box (FaMESHed X), Paleto Backdrop Amizmiz

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