Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

No Stumbling

By Linda aka Freyja on December 08, 2012

I knew I had to get Magika’s Stumble hair as soon as I saw it. I also knew how I wanted to photo it. Nothing too surprising there; a blindfold inevitably leads my thoughts to the gutter. Fortunately, we had bought a gift card at Trompe Loeil at the recent sale, so we headed off to pick up one of the many beds Cory Edo has released lately. And yes, we picked up the adult version. ;) Nothing too raunchy inside, however.

No Stumbling

The Magika hair comes in three sizes, to allow for different nose sizes. That said, if you like a bigger nose on your shape, you may find the largest isn’t quite enough, so do demo. I did have to tweak a little to get it to fit, but the way the blindfold works together with the hair was worth it. I also love the back of the hair.

No Stumbling

The Canopy Bed features a gorgeous silky fabric and plenty of opportunity to play with shadows thanks to the draped pieces of cloth. You have a choice between either a PG or an Adult version (the latter which includes all of the PG animations plus a large selection of Adult animations) of the bed and you also get to pick between two wood colours and a range of silk colours. I do think it would have been nice to have some colour changing options (for the silks, for example), rather than each option being entirely separate, but you are definitely getting the highest quality of virtual furniture.

Ran is wearing a Magika hair as well—more long/longish unisex hair in mesh are definitely needed—and he is also wearing an Abyss skin; I think their skins hold up incredibly well today.

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