Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on October 21, 2016

The annual horror game from Pulse Games opened a couple of days ago and I thought it would be fun to make a video of part of the game play. There will be some spoilers but the video does not cover the whole game so there are still plenty of surprises left. And as usual there’s tons of prizes to pick up as you move through the various locations and it is definitely not easy to find all of them!  The game starts at Sn@tch and spans across multiple sims. Just one tip if you head out there before watching my video—mind the bees!


I snapped a picture before I concluded the video and I just had to do it in front of this charming sign. You will definitely want to explore the farmhouse in detail, it has a lot of creepy surprises for you.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, Mayfly eyes, FATElashes
Skin: Tuli Agnes Hex T0
Cosmetics: Luxuria Choked Bruises (ROMP)
Hair: Exile Fall (The Epiphany)
Clothes: Senzafine Lena Wine (Buy Now), Sn@tch Shannon Garter Socks Dark
Accessories: lassitude & ennui Wicked Booties Black
Poses: oOo Studio

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