Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

One Voice Fundraiser

By Linda aka Freyja on July 09, 2012

From the 9th to the 15th the One Voice fundraiser is taking place on the Mesh sim. The fundraiser has been organised to raise money for Gala Phoenix of Curio who has been caught up in a legal battle concerning her skins. She explains the issue in detail on her blog. Since the potential exists that any other creator could be targeted in a similar manner, many Second Life creators have decided to take part in this fundraiser to show that they will not idly allow such things to happen.

One Voice features a large number of creators who, on very short notice, have setup to sell creations that benefit Gala Phoenix at either 50% or 100%. Many have even created new and sometimes exclusive items for the fundraiser. In this post, I am showing just a few pieces, from Solange, elymode and mE. I am also using poses from Bent available at the fundraiser and I am using a Curio skin.

The One Voice fundraiser is likely to be very busy for the first few days, but do make sure to strip off as many prims and scripts as possible and give it a go as soon as you can. There are many great items on sale and ultimately the fundraiser is all about ensuring that Second Life will continue to see great, original content being produced in the future as well. So, you’re shopping to ensure that you will be able to keep shopping!

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