Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on November 24, 2015

Figment has a great dress out for The Fantasy Collective and in addition to standard sizes it includes a fitted mesh size for Slink Physique, so of course I had to have it. As it happened, it went very well with the 25L Tuesday release from Noble Creations as well as one of their releases for We Love Role-Play.


The Paragon dress, here in red, appears to consist of an underdress, a longer mail shirt and a breast plate. My only quibble would be with the modelling of the breasts, which adds a bit more to their size than I would prefer. Other than that, it fits the Slink Physique shape very closely; I didn’t have to alpha out any part of my body.


The Sanctus Shield by Noble Creations is out now for 25L Tuesday. It comes in iron and gold (seen here) and can be sheathed or drawn (the command is accompanied by a sound and an animation).

The War Helmet, available at We Love Role.Play, comes with a black or a red plume and matches the shield nicely in style.

These shots were taken at the ruins on Isla Tequila.

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