Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Ready for Roleplay

By Linda aka Freyja on May 04, 2013

Do you roleplay in Second Life? Or do you perhaps—like me—just like dressing up for it? If so, We Love Role-Play is the event for you. Opening tomorrow, May 4th, it is a new monthly event that features clothing, accessories, props and anything else that might be useful for roleplaying in Second Life. There is a recurring roster of creators plus special guests for each cycle.

I am starting off with a look at a lovely mesh outfit from the Library.

Ready for Roleplay

The Library opened recently but has already released a line of roleplay wear, largely in mesh. The Scheherazade outfit consists of the gorgeous blue mesh gown and a wide range of accessories; belt, armbands, earrings, veil and scarf. I really like the gold embellishments on the gown as well as the veil and the scarf; they are intricate and crisply detailed.

Ready for Roleplay

The outfit gives a lovely “Arabian Nights” feel without being quite as skimpy as such outfits have a tendency to be in Second Life. I certainly don’t mind showing a bit (or a lot) of skin, but sometimes you do want to be a bit more dressed as well.

Worn with the outfit is a brand-new hair from Alice Project for FaMESHed and the Eva skin from Tuli. The poses are from HopScotch and the build from Barnesworth Anubis.

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