Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Red Nights

By Linda aka Freyja on May 24, 2020

More often than not my posts are firmly anchored in fantasy and/or history, but when it comes to roleplay and character creation in Second Life there are of course many more options. For example, the Cyber/Punk Fair is still open (until June 7th, in fact) and it showcases a very different realm of possibilities. To do justice to the Novianna set and Sinon visor from Petrichor, I headed over to one of the longest-running sims (or sim collections, rather) in Second Life: InSilico.

Red Nights

Novianna consists of top, pants, boots and a set of pasties and plugs. Each piece can be bought separately or as a fatpack and there’s a ton of texture options via the HUDs. For example, both the top and the pants have sheer and opaque options and for some pieces you can choose between glow and no glow. The set is fitted for Belleza Freya, Legacy, Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass and, where it is applicable, V-Tech.

Red Nights

In addition to the Novianna set, Petrichor has several other pieces out at the fair, including the unisex Sinon visor. It, too, comes with a ton of options on the HUD.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Cate, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Columba II (Free Dove)
Cosmetics: alaskametro Fire Lipstick 04
Hair: Wasabi Juniper
Clothes: Petrichor Novianna Top, Pants, Boots, Pasties & Plugs (Cyber/Punk Fair)
Accessories: Petrichor Sinon Visor (Cyber/Punk Fair)

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