Royal Treasures
I haven’t found much time for Second Life this last week, but now the weather has turned a little worse, giving me some time to share some beautiful treasures with you. Despite being on a mobile connection and a laptop, I managed to make my way to the Epiphany when it opened. Once there, my luck held and I was able to collect much of the Fair Lady set from Old Treasures.

The beautiful, medieval-inspired Fair Lady gacha set includes eight commons and one rare, plus an exclusive obtainable with points. I paired a selection of pieces with the Isabel dress from Adam n Eve, which has a very classic, elegant shape that allows the jewellery to shine. The Cersei Lannister hair from F&M Oblivion also worked very well for showing off all the pieces.

The French Hood includes a colour HUD and the textures match those of the Slippers (you see a little of those in the first image). With this, I opted for Necklace 1 and Earrings 1, which do not have any colour-change details. There are two more necklaces, one additional set of earrings, a pearl circlet and the rare crown. Additionally, a really stunning belt as the exclusive piece. Definitely one of the best (if not the best) set of medieval jewellery in Second Life.
Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Simone head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: League Amaia Pale
Hair: F&M Oblivion Cersei Lannister
Clothes: Adam n Eve Isabel
Accessories: Old Treasures Fair Lady Gacha (The Epiphany)
Decor: Fanatik Dungan Castle