Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Slinky News

By Linda aka Freyja on October 10, 2019

My Bakes on Mesh-kick got even more intense yesterday when Slink all of a sudden released SIX Bakes on Mesh-ready bento heads, five for women and one for men. Two of the female heads are updates of the previous static heads, Emma and Becky, so if you owned those you can now grab a redelivery for free! How is that for excellent support? Siddean was kind enough to send me the three completely new heads as well and of course this merited a very in-depth look at the whole set. And what better way to do that than with a video? This also gave me an opportunity to show off the new facial animation HUD from Vista that I picked up just two days ago.

In this post I have also included a head shot of each head with various system layer skins I dug up from my inventory to play with as well as credits for what is shown in the video. And if you want to learn more about Bakes on Mesh, do check out the excellent FAQ by Slink.

Slinky News

Slinky News

Slink Visage Amelia with Adam n Eve Rachel.

Slinky News

Slink Visage Ashlynn with the body co India.

Slinky News

Slink Visage Becky with Imabee Imogen.

Slinky News

Slink Visage Emma with DeeTalez Kimber. I made a mistake with this photo and left the brows from another skin on and only discovered it much too late.

Slinky News

Slink Visage Jacquie with Tuli Iris.


Body Parts: Slink Physique Original body, Slink hands & feet, Slink Visage Amelia, Ashlynn, Becky, Emma and Jacquie, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Adam n Eve Rachel, the body co India, Imabee Imogen, DeeTalez Kimber and Tuli Iris.
Hair: Exile Stacy
Clothes: Adam n Eve Claire (We Love Role-Play)
HUDs: Vista Animations Facial Bento HUD for Vista & Others
Decor: Trompe Loeil Isadora Rustic Cottage (Collabor88)

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