Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Spicy Romance

By Linda aka Freyja on January 29, 2021

It is Friday, after all, so how about a bit of spicy romance? Heart-shaped seats and pillows, rose petals on the floor and a hint of dominance & submission. The heart-shaped ottoman and the heart-shaped pillows are recent releases from Roawenwood, whereas the rose petals are from a previous Roawenwood set. There are several texture options for the top of the ottoman and the pillow with the animations and then there are additional decor-only pillows with preset textures. The ottoman has some single poses but is mainly for couple poses, the pillow has only single poses.

Both Ran and I are wearing the latest hair from Wasabi, Asia. It is unrigged and works very well for both male and female avatars. Not shown here is the windblown option of the style.

Spicy Romance

Spicy Romance


On Freyja:

Body Parts: Slink Physique Redux body, Slink hands & feet, Slink Visage Amelia head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Abigail Tone 4
Hair: Wasabi Asia (Uber)
Accessories: deviousMind SugarSkull Roses

On Ran:

Body Parts: The Mesh Project Classic Male body, LightStar Rajan
Skin: the body co. Fox 07
Hair: Wasabi Asia (Uber)
Clothing: Deadwool Hugo Shirt and Corduroy Pants Grey
Accessories: Deadwool Black Oxford Shoes

Decor: Roawenwood Black Hearts Ottoman (Black Fair), Black Hearts Sittin Platform (Black Fair) and Yearning Heart Rose Petals, Del-ka Aedilis Winter in NYC

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