Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Spring Flowers

By Linda aka Freyja on March 02, 2018

We’ve reached March but the last week has been treating us to winds from Siberia, so I am not quite feeling that spring is in the air just yet. But the lovely Bellflower gown from Dreaming Thicket is definitely a dress for spring and fortunately its easy to have whatever season you like in Second Life. I do feel like I need to shop for some nice grasses and flowers to complete my landscaping, however; I always get stuck somewhere after I’ve tweaked the shape of the land and plopped down some rocks and trees.

Spring Flowers

Bellflower comes in six pastel shades, all with white lace details, and it includes sizes for a very wide range of mesh bodies. It was released for the last round of Enchantment but should hopefully be in the mainstore shortly as Enchantment ended on the 28th of February. I was unfortunately delayed by a week of website issues.

Spring Flowers

The lovely Gemma updo, seen here in Style 1 but also available in Style 2 (with bangs), is Wasabi’s gacha for the newly opened round of the Arcade.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Simone, Mayfly eyes
Skin: League Amaia Pale
Hair: Wasabi Gemma (The Arcade)
Clothes: Dreaming Thicket Bellflower Violet
Poses: LAP

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