Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The Empty Throne

By Linda aka Freyja on November 25, 2017

Tomorrow is the last day for the Coven where you can get Paper Moon’s lovely decor item, the Bolognese Tarot, which is an actual historical tarot deck from the 1600s, I am using three pieces from the collection as the backdrop for this image, which also showcases the Mirror Mirror dress from Noble Creations. The throne is an earlier release from Dysfunctional Designs and I liked the effect of leaving it empty and playing the power behind (or beside) the empty throne in this image.

Speaking of Paper Moon, you also need to make sure to check out the mainstore, as they are having a Black Weekend sale with everything except gachas at 50% off.

The Empty Throne


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Simone, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Harmony Tone 5
Hair: Exile The Countess
Clothes: Noble Creations Mirror Mirror Dress (Enchantment)
Decor: Paper Moon The Bolognese Tarot (The Coven, Dysfunctional Designs Carved Wooden Throne

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