Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The End

By Linda aka Freyja on January 01, 2015

I tend to be the kind of person whose mind turns to endings rather than beginnings, so even though we’re at the start of a new year, I found myself drawn to using this pyre from Artisan Fantasy for my first blog of the year. Of course, for those who are more of the “glass is half full” mindset, a pyre might just call to mind the phoenix, rising reborn from the ashes.

The End

The Funeral Pyre from Artisan Fantasy is part of their Maiden Tor series, which (among other things) includes a fabulous stone circle that I am kind of lusting for. The Pyre was released for the Game of Thrones round of Tales of Fantasy and as always I applaud creations that take a theme and do something that fits but isn’t too literal (or a copy of copyrighted material). It is now available at the Artisan Fantasy mainstore.

The Pyre starts out as just a stone construction, then you can add wood, light the fire and finally set the fire to high and smoking.

The End

The gown is from Luminary for the current Genre round, the Ancients. Lucia comes in five colours and I love the sheen of the dress and the colour shifts that it creates. I paired it with a brand-new necklace and matching earrings from Maxi Gossamer which is out for the new round of Uber. Selene has a beautiful antique feel and you get two metal choices and eleven stone combinations.

My skin is Mia from PXL in the Olive tone, with a heavy eyeshadow added. The hair is the gorgeous Lynette style from Calico, who can always be relied on to have a beautiful hair when you need a fantasy/historical look. Poses are from Musa’s gown pose sets, which are absolutely essential for roleplay photos.

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