Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The Guardian of the Woods

By Linda aka Freyja on September 07, 2021

With new and old items from the Dreaming Thicket, a tattoo from Fallen Gods and a pose from Be My Mannequin? I created this scene of a guardian of an enchanted wood. The gown as well as the tattoo are from the Age of Avalon event, which inspired me to think of a secret haven which not everyone could reach. The amulet—available in sun and moon versions—went well with the priestess/enchantress image and the forbidding stance of the pose makes her seem like she’s not going to let just anyone pass. The landscaping consists of items from Fanatik and Studio Skye.

The Guardian of the Woods

The Betony gown is available in seven colours and for a wide range of bodies. A simple, elegant fantasy gown.

The Cosmos pose is unisex and available at the Be My Mannequin? mainstore.

The Guardian of the Woods

The amulet is perfect for roleplay in rustic settings/earlier time periods as it comes in iron and bronze for both the sun and the moon versions.

The Ascalon tattoo comes in several different colour packs, most including two different colours. Each colour comes in three opacities; 40%, 70% and 100%.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LeLutka Lake head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro T3W Lydia Tone 0
Cosmetics: Fallen Gods Ascalon Henna 100% (Age of Avalon)
Hair: Truth Serenity
Clothes: Dreaming Thicket Betony Gown Lilly (Age of Avalon)
Accessories: Dreaming Thicket Amulet of the Moon Bronze (We Love Role-Play) and Magical Aura Enchantment
Pose: Be My Mannequin? Cosmos
Decor: Fanatik Land Shapes Rockwall Entrance, Studio Skye Enchanted Woods

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