Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

The Sultry Bride

By Linda aka Freyja on July 21, 2021

I was supposed to be on vacation and thus a blogging hiatus. But our car broke down last week as we were on our way to our summer cottage, so for a few days more I am stuck at home with much less to do than I had planned. Hence, blogging. Fortunately, there are some great events right now, including a new round of the Epiphany. I couldn’t resist the SultryGarden gacha from deviousMind, which features a ribbon harness with intricate lace appliqué. I tried out the first colour that I won and said to myself that there was almost something bridal about it. I gave it another try and fortunately it gave me the Pearl next time, perfect for my idea!

Of course, this would definitely be something for after the ceremony, unless you are having a very unconventional wedding. ;) I am still wearing that ridiculously pretty hair from Stealthic, Lavish, and my favourite skin and head combination even though they’re far from new: PXL’ss Ava on LeLutka’s Cate.

The Sultry Bride

The Sultry Bride

Body Parts: Maitreya Lara body, Maitreya hands & feet, LeLutka Cate head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: PXL Ava Olive
Hair: Stealthic Lavish
Clothes: deviousMind SultryGarden Pearl (The Epiphany)
Poses: Serendipity
Decor: Fanatik Dungan Castle and Bard’s Bed

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