Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy


By Linda aka Freyja on March 14, 2013

No, I wasn’t thinking directly of the sin, but I am not opposed to a bit of sinning. However, it was the lovely vintage vanity from Trompe Loeil at this months FaMESHed that inspired the title and provided the setting for this look at another new skin from Adam n Eve set to debut tomorrow at the Skin Fair.


The vanity, which is part of a larger collection that also includes a mirror, a sink and a bath tub (all purchased separtely), comes with several props and matching animations. The attention to detail and the choice of animations all get very high marks from me, though as always with animations that involve your hands near your face, I wish they were made for appropriately long arms.


The Bethany skin is one of three new skins being released by Adam n Eve at the Skin Fair when it opens tomorrow. She is a charming girl with some subtle beauty marks on her face and a lovely shape to her lips. The body is one of my absolute favourites in SL, not the least when seen from behind.

My hair is one of Truth’s new releases, Marisol, and I am also wearing a necklace from Perception which is available at this month’s Zodiac event, which I believe may end tomorrow. So don’t forget to check that out if you haven’t already.

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