Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Victorian Belle

By Linda aka Freyja on March 21, 2017

I really like the field of tulips from Little Branch for the Victoriana round of Genre, so today I changed around the season on one of my sky landscapes and planted some tulips around the ballet academy build from Nomad. I think it turned out to be a rather charming backdrop for the gown from Anachron, also from Genre.

Victorian Belle

Belle is a classic Victorian ball gown, very feminine and particularly lovely in pale colours. I think the lace could have been a bit crisper, but the overall style of the gown is excellent. You will need to try a demo, however, as it is not made for any particular mesh body. However, to get the appropriate waist size you do need to alpha out some of your body anyway.

Victorian Belle

The skin I am wearing is another by Lumae for the Skin Fair. This one, Misty, is actually designed for GA.EG’s Barbara head, but since it is an Omega applier it also works with the LightStar heads and I am really liking how it looks on Athena. This time I am wearing the second lightest tone, Cameo, and the freckle option of both face and body.


Body Parts: Slink Physique body, Slink hands & feet, LightStar Athena, Mayfly eyes
Skin: Lumae Misty Cameo(Skin Fair)
Hair: Truth Zoya (VIP Group Gift)
Clothes: Anachron Belle Victorian Evening Dress Ashes of Rose (Genre)
Poses: Black Tulip (Genre)
Decor: Little Branch Field of Tulips (Genre), Nomad Ballet Academy

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