Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

WLRP & Vista’s Diana

By Linda aka Freyja on February 11, 2018

Last Friday Vista Animations released their second bento mesh head, Diana. As I had purchased Lia when it came out and been very pleasantly surprised by its quality, I wasted no time in demoing and ultimately buying Diana. It certainly did not hurt that she is currently on sale for L$2000 (regular price will be L$2500) PLUS if you purchased Lia already and buy Diana on the Marketplace, you get an instant rebate of another L$1000 which makes it a truly excellent deal.

Since I already had a vlog in mind for Roawenwood’s We Love Role-Play release, I decided to combine this with a look at Diana as well. Also featured is a new outfit from Dreaming Thicket and a new hair from Stealthic.

WLRP & Vista’s Diana

This turned out to be my 49th vlog for Otherworldly. I am not sure 50 is a large enough milestone to do something extra—I feel I am still learning!—but I am curious if at this stage there’s anything people would like to see more or less of and anything I should consider changing?


Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Diana
Skin: YS&YS (included with Diana head)
Hair: Stealthic Passion (Collabor88)
Clothes: Dreaming Thicket Lotus Skirt & Top Nightshade (We Love Role-Play)
Decor: Roawenwood Thermae Massage Table (We Love Role-Play)

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