Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Winter Town

Winter Town

It feels a bit strange to be in modern clothing and on a modern-themed sim! I have fallen into doing almost entirely roleplay/fantasy looks (well, that and a lot fair bit of nudity), but in doing this shot I felt I’ve actually missed doing a bit of this and that. So, I am glad I was inspired to do this by the newest release from Zaara as well as a brand-new hair by Amacci.

A Special Alchemy

A Special Alchemy

Gatchas are wicked things. I continue to try an exercise restraint (but that doesn’t mean I haven’t ended up with a bunch of duplicates for sale), because for the most part I really would prefer paying more and knowing what I get, but sometimes you end up fooled into thinking you are an extra lucky person who of course will get just what you want… But don’t believe that feeling, it is always a lie.

Case in point? The Alchemy gatcha at the Secret Affair. I just wanted one of the common iron crowns. By the time I had used up my self-imposed limit for that machine, I had ended up with one common (but not the one I wanted, of course), the rare and the ultra rare. So, lucky indeed, but not what I had originally been after! However, since the rare and the ultra rare are incredible works of art, I do have to show them to you, even if it feels like a terrible tease.



Genre’s latest round has opened and the theme is Fae. From mischievous fairies fluttering by on iridescent wings to dark lords and ladies of the hills, luring unwary humans to their doom, there are numerous myths and legends about the fae folks of the world. With the Aes Sidhe dress from Senzafine and the Cour de Cauchemars collar and crown by aisling, I wanted to capture something of the darker side of the fae.

Regal Ladies

Regal Ladies

This is one of those days when I am feeling rather jealous of my avatar because she has three new gowns from the Muses to play with and she can dress up like a medieval lady whenever she wants. I suppose I could technically do so in RL too, but gowns aren’t the most practical garments for everyday life. So, Second Life to the rescue.

I am also wearing some new hair styles from Alice Project, Calico and Amacci; changing hair style and hair colour with a couple of click is another of those enviable traits of Second Life.

Tasty Hair?

Tasty Hair?

Hair Fair is still going strong with about a week to do, but it is not the only fair in town right…

Fantasy Faire: Down in the Underground

Fantasy Faire: Down in the Underground

You still have a couple of days left to check out the Fantasy Faire! The Faire has in fact been…



Alchemy Immortalis is selling off four of their five sims, keeping only their mainstore to focus on…

Lounging Laina

Lounging Laina

The second new skin from Adam n Eve is Laina. I am not showing all her naked pixels since she comes…