Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Heroes Fall

Heroes Fall

The sand storm delayed her and left few tracks to be followed, but eventually she found the site of the battle. But she was too late.

Be My Mannequin? is a pose store that I discovered quite recently and then was fortunate enough to get accepted as a blogger for. They offer single, couple and group poses of the “storytelling” variety, meaning they are great for building a scene around. That suits me perfectly, since I rarely have much of a need for straight-up modelling poses but instead want to show a moment from a story.

This particular pose included two variants for different shapes and I found that even though mine and Ran’s shapes tend to differ a bit from the SL average, the fit of the alternate version was very good. I also wanted to show how different a single pose can look depending on the angle, so I setup two similar shots from different angles.

Snake Priestess

Snake Priestess

Today is the very last day of the Skin Fair so I am wearing one of the new Adam n Eve skins again for this post. I am also wearing another new outfit from Days of Yore, this one by deviousMind, and I just had to take to the desert to do this one justice. In fact, I regret not doing a short video to also show how cool it looked under the swirling sand effect from Balderdash. But the photos give a hint of it, at least.

Desert Wanderer

Desert Wanderer

As I work from home, getting up early is not necessarily what I am best at. Today, a somewhat early dog training session had me up and about earlier than usual, which led to an unscheduled midday nap. Cosy, but not terribly productive, and definitely one of the pitfalls of setting you own schedule. Another is that you might just be drawn into doing something else in front of the computer, such as coming up with a new photo idea. This one, I am quite pleased with, especially the more distant shot as it came out very moody and dramatic (if I may say so myself!).

Fantasy Faire: Sword-Dancer of the Portals

Fantasy Faire: Sword-Dancer of the Portals

For my second visit to the Fantasy Faire, I went to the Fairelands Junction, built by Balderdash and sponsored by Roawenwood. While these two stores can be found on the sim, it is not a regular shopping sim, but instead it features portals to the other sims of the Fairelands. However, the beautiful build by Balderash certainly deserves to be shown off and if you like the gorgeous trees and flowers, these can be found in the Balderdash shop on the sim.