Skin Fair: Kirsten by Adam n Eve
March 19, 2016
Mesh heads are generally Not My Thing. Or rather, I don’t mind playing dress-up now and then, so I sort a mesh head into the same category as elf ears or a drow skin; they can be cool to create a look around, but they’re not what I like to wear on a regular basis. However, as a result of nagging sachi Vixen to make new skins for Adam n Eve now and then, I’ve found myself with the Jessica head from Catwa. Because I am not very familiar with mesh heads (though I do have the Slink heads as well), I won’t be offering an in-depth review of the head, just showing how it can look with the Kirsten applier which is available at the Skin Fair as well as in the Adam n Eve mainstore. What I will look more closely at, however, is a new eye gadget from Damien Fate.