Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Working Out Those Kinks

Working Out Those Kinks

ROMP‘s winter fair, Fresh, opens today at noon. As with ROMP’s other events, the focus is “elegant kink” and from the preview that was offered yesterday I would say it does a fine job of living up to that mission statement. There’s furniture and props, clothing, accessories and of course poses. As with most events, there’s more clothing and accessories for the ladies, but there is some for men as well.

bauwerk, the furniture line from 22769, is offering a furniture and prop set where the pieces with animations in come in either pg or adult versions. I decided to set it all up in the new Aspen Villa from Convair for FaMESHed and slipped into some lacy things from Cannibelle, also from ROMP.

That Christmas Feeling

That Christmas Feeling

I wish I was some place like this right now, in a cosy cottage surrounded by snow. Instead, I have am stressing with holiday preparations while it is distinctly green outside. Fuck global warming, I say. The only thing green around Christmas should be the fricking tree.

But oh well, at least I can get a little extra holiday feeling through Second Life. I went on a bit of a splurge during the Black Friday sales and picked up an enormous, heavily discounted (seriously, like 90% off) package of skyboxes and sim surrounds from Landscapes Unlimited. Some of them are getting on a bit in years whereas others use the latest features such as materials and there’s definitely some great options available for giving yourself some larger vistas to work with, whether just as a nice place to hang out or for photos. We’ve still not had time to finish the different environments on our sim (landscaping really isn’t one of my talents), so this will give some great options for different backdrops.

Drinking Alone

Drinking Alone

Convair has been turning out some very stylish-looking kitchen prefabs of late and this Ridge kitchen for FaMESHed is no exception. For once, I resisted the urge to play with the adult poses and instead dressed up with a bit of a vintage feel in jewellery from Eclectica and a dress from Sn@tch.

Pink Fuelled

Pink Fuelled

It has been quite some time since I did a proper skin review with a detailed look at a body. There simply haven’t been much in the way of new skins to look at if by new I mean not just a new face on a previously existing body. I did take a few looks at how various favourite skin lines of mine look on Slink’s Physique mesh body but that’s the closest I’ve gotten to full skin reviews in a while. Until now, that is, and even then it isn’t a brand-new body as such, but it is a (largely) new-to-me body. I have been eyeing Pink Fuel for a while, tempted by the many body options supplied, but none of the faces have been quite to my liking. That is, none of the “normal” faces; I really liked the Drow skin which I did feature in an earlier review, albeit without actually going over the body in detail. I’ll be sorting out that oversight in this review where I will be looking at the brand-new group gift from Pink Fuel (I joined the group—which costs L$250—after seeing the preview of this face on Plurk) together with the Slink Physique appliers.

Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises

Aisling has created two stunning jewellery sets for the current round of the Fantasy Gacha…

A Private Dinner

A Private Dinner

I was supposed to be taking a small blogging hiatus around now because I expected to be on…

Sand and Sea

Sand and Sea

A little break from role-play inspired posts for something more beachy and summery courtesy of two…



I may be suffering from a slight house addiction in Second Life of late. I suspect I will never get…

Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat

I don’t usually do posts without an avatar in, but when I went through my recent clothing…

Mesh Heads and Beds

Mesh Heads and Beds

The release of two mesh heads by Siddean Munro of Slink can hardly have passed anyone unnoticed.…



Have I mentioned how much I like the skins from the Shops? Actually, I am pretty sure I have, but…

Late Night Drinks

Late Night Drinks

Trompe Loeil’s first release of the year is the Dragon & Orchid Home Pub for FaMESHed. It comes in…