Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy



As soon as I saw a preview of DRD‘s Studios gacha for the Erotigacha event, I knew Ran and I had to get a few of those sets. As it turned out, we ended up with more than a few (including duplicates of the Casting Couch and the Roman set; contact me for trading) which looks likely to give me a lot of photoing excuses. The Medieval set, at least, was the perfect backdrop for some of my recent acquisitions.



I thought about calling this post “When Events Collide” as it features items from no less than three fantasy-related events opening in May: Enchantment (already open), Fantasy Faire (already open) and Fantasy Gatcha Carnival (opening on the 4th). There was just something about these pieces from Kalopsia, aisling and Sax Shepherd Designs that demanded that they be used together.

Gowns Galore

Gowns Galore

We Love Role-Play continues to provide yet more gorgeous gowns and accessories. This time, the gown is courtesy of Senzafine and the headpiece is by On a Lark. The jewellery also comes with cuffs and the whole set is matched to a dress from On a Lark, also available at the event. The Solveig gown from Senzafine is available in four colours (including the Garnet seen to the right) at We Love Role-Play and in an additional set of colours (including the Indigo seen to the left) at her mainstore. The gown consists of a sleeveless undergown and the sleeved overgown with the bands across the chest. This allows for two very different looks in the same gown.

Fire and Blood

Fire and Blood

Have you been to We Love Role-Play yet? This event offers a wide selection of clothing, accessories, weapons and props for role-playing in Second Life—or for simply taking photos that aren’t just about the latest fashion. For myself and Ran, it lets us indulge in bringing something that’s very much on our minds all the time into Second Life. Most of you probably know it as Game of Thrones, but for us it is always A Song of Ice and Fire. We have a particular fondness for the history of Westeros, not the least for the many colourful Targaryens from its past. Thanks to the Muses we now have all sorts of very appropriate clothing for portraying some of them. If you know a bit of Targaryen history, take a guess at who these two are.