Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fantasy Faire 2022: A Respectable Woman

Fantasy Faire 2022: A Respectable Woman

She came to Bassett Town at dusk, driving a trader’s cart pulled by a piebald mare. There was a raven sitting on her shoulder and she held her rifle in a loving way, but she was dressed like a respectable woman, with a large cross around her neck.

For the Right Price

For the Right Price

Fancy an evening stroll through a crowded market, perusing the wares and enjoying the atmosphere? With the Souk Building Kit from Del-ka Aedilis, you can create your own Middle Eastern-inspired marketplace. The kit includes the outer walls (wall, pillar and gate), the market stalls (walls, awnings, roof) and various additional pieces such as shelves, racks of shawls, display tables and jars and bags of products. While you might need more variety of products for building a larger market area, the kit would make an excellent base for adding additional decor elements to, for example from the Roman and Medieval series from Del-ka Aedilis. You’ll find the kit at 25% off at the Fantasy Room event until December 20th.

Lordly Musings

Lordly Musings

Wasabi has a new male (or unisex, provided one of the two chest sizes work for you) style out at their mainstore, which means that Ran gets to be the model for once. As always when that is the case, the question of nice period/fantasy clothing for men comes up. The answer remains that sadly there isn’t that much to choose from, but occasionally we come across a really nice piece such as this fancy coat from Contraption. More like that, please!

Also, a head’s (hah) up: Logo is having 30% off their Bento heads this weekend. The head used in this post is Logan, which really needs more skins released for it because it is a very nice head.