Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fantasy Faire 2022: The Magic of Books

Fantasy Faire 2022: The Magic of Books

Yesterday, Ran and I took part in the Literary Festival to talk about Roleplaying the Canon and our experiences with playing on and running roleplaying games based on pre-existing sources, especially literary ones. Of course I had to show off the outfit I put together for the talk and it seemed very fitting to do so at the wonderful Carnelian Archive, built by Nix Marabana of the Dreaming Thicket and sponsored by Petrichor. Talk about a Faireland I would like to take home with me and make my permanent residence, it is heaven for a book lover.

With an older pose set by Picture This! that features some spellcasting from a book, I put myself in a few different spots in the library, including in front of a door guarded by a powerful enchantment. What might lie behind it? At least one of the guards seems to have been lulled to sleep by the spell.

Fantasy Faire 2022: A Country Villa

Fantasy Faire 2022: A Country Villa

This year at Fantasy Faire, Del-ka Aedilis invites you to visit a proper Villa Rustica. To show this large build off in detail, I did a little video (and managed not to cough at all, despite being a bit sniffly still) which you can view below.

I have also included some still photos and of course details on the Villa, the Triclinium and what I am wearing.