Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Market Day

Market Day

There’s a new event in town, the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, which features items for Legacy Perky, Maitreya Lara’s Petite add-on and the Petite add-on for Slink Physique Original and Slink Physique Hourglass. In short, the body variations that offer support for a smaller bust. In this post, I am featuring a tunic by Faida & Velvet Whip which I am wearing on the Legacy Perky body. To set the scene, I am using two different releases from Roawenwood plus a very atmospheric backdrop from Paleto. I am also wearing another skin from the alaskametro Garden Party hunt.

Slinky Leila

Slinky Leila

We’re off on vacation right now and the weather has actually turned quite lovely, so what am I doing at my laptop? Well, a lazy morning never hurts and I did want to share the latest release from Slink, the very sexy body jewellery set Leila. This style of “clothing” is hardly unique in Second Life, but if you are a Slink body lover just like me you are not spoiled with many such releases. This set comes fitted for both Slink bodies, plus the petite chest variations. Via the included HUD it has a very nice selection of metal textures and includes a naughty and a nice mode (I am wearing the latter here).

The poses I am using are both from WetCat’s Spiral set for La vie en pose, which are made for a particular staircase but also suit others, and the backdrop is by Paleto.