Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Rocking the Night Away

Rocking the Night Away

It has been a bit of a crazy day, in more than one way. Fortunately, it also involved a visit to the stables in RL, which always works to distract and calm me down. I don’t knit (not since school, anyway), but I can imagine it would be pretty soothing to sit and work like this, with the comforting sounds of the horses in the background. The classic wooden rocking chair is one of two rocking chairs from Dutchie (the other is a mid-century style that goes well with Dutchie’s other furniture sets) released for the November round of FaMESHed. The rocking chairs have 10 female and 10 male solo animations each, including knitting and needlepoint. The props are auto-attaching with the AV-sitter experience and the animations are of course Bento-enabled. The wooden rocking chair includes several wood choices and paint options and the mid-century style offers different fabric options.

The Right Vintage

The Right Vintage

Vintage Fair 2018 has just opened and it offers two sims (North and South) full of vintage inspired wearables, accessories, decor and so on. Precisely what vintage provides the inspiration will of course vary greatly—I have spotted everything from Victorian to the 70’s in a quick browse of the sims—and there’s something for everyone, including the guys! In my first post for the event I am wearing a dress by Adam n Eve (sachi Vixen is finally getting back into clothing, yay), a hair by Sn@tch, shoes by Eclectica and using poses from Gingerfish.

Sepia Butterfly

Sepia Butterfly

A simple portrait today, using a lot of depth of field and a lot of haze. I wanted something a bit ethereal and having a less distinctive background helps create that feeling. The new items on display is the hair by Calico and the top by the Dreaming Thicket, to which I added a long skirt from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/*= 0)out += decodeURIComponent(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, '&#'));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_uSWBfCZpeP'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/.

Farewell to Genre

Farewell to Genre

I will have to keep this short and sweet with all the holiday preparations going on, but I do want to urge to to visit the very last round of Genre with the theme of Fantasy Winter Role-Play. The lovely gown from the Annex that I am wearing is from the event, as is the pretty necklace from Sn@tch which is a gift at the event. Also featured in these photos is hair from Stealthic and new decor items from Paper Moon.



The annual horror game from Pulse Games opened a few days ago and yesterday I decided to take of…

Waiting in the Shadows

Waiting in the Shadows

This is the last weekend of the Moroccan round of Genre, which means you will miss out on a lot of…

Genre in Space

Genre in Space

For this round, Genre has gone Sci-Fi. My roleplay tends to be of the fantasy variety, but there is…

Afternoon Tea & Spankings

Afternoon Tea & Spankings

I have been wanting to photo the second version of Stockholm & Lima’s Victorian bench from the…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

This will be a little bit of a quickie since we’re about to get ready for midnight here in Sweden,…

Animated Again

Animated Again

This past weekend I decided to take the plunge and start a site redesign. So far, its looking…



The annual horror game from Pulse Games opened a couple of days ago and I thought it would be fun…

Sn@tch on Sale

Sn@tch on Sale

Sorry, I couldn’t resist that! But you really don’t want to miss that Sn@tch is having a sale,…

Dungeon Crawler

Dungeon Crawler

It is the nature of the beast, but with so many events running all the time, you often end up…

Winter Town

Winter Town

It feels a bit strange to be in modern clothing and on a modern-themed sim! I have fallen into…

A Touch of Alchemy

A Touch of Alchemy

The Fantasy Collective has just opened and Tuli has another skin with a Halloween theme out for…

Rustic Retreat

Rustic Retreat

The season has definitely changed, it was quite cold when we trained our dog Sunday evening, so…