Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Fantasy Faire 2023: Szystrum Synod

Fantasy Faire 2023: Szystrum Synod

Szystrum Synod is the fascinating creation of Walton Wainwright of [ContraptioN], an alien world inhabited by sentient machines that continue to exist long after the demise of their creators. Not only has he built a stunning sim, he has also conceived of a backstory for the world and details about its inhabitants which you can read here. A worldbuilder in all senses of the word.

I am wearing a full avatar from Somnium representing one of the seven houses of Szystrum Synod. I picked the House of Testament, the house of remembrance and history.  The avatars have four arms, two that work as regular arms and two that can be posed using presets or the pose creator in the Black Dragon viewer. In addition to the avatar I am wearing the Astrocartograph Aura by Seydr and using a pose from Astalianda’s Intrigue set. The Astrocartograph Aura is animated, cycling through different hues and showing an astrological map from the perspective of Earth with orbiting comets.

Do not miss the chance to explore Szystrum Synod while the Faire lasts.