Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy

Harnessed in Leather and Lace

Harnessed in Leather and Lace

Aisling has a couple of new releases out for the Whimsical event and the Isfyr harness was (unsurprisingly) irresistible to me. A sexy leather or latex harness with optional lace panels on the side and with draped chains as further accents. The fatpack is available at a discount at the event and comes with a HUD that gives you 16 colours for the straps, several metal options and tinting options for the lace panels. Fitmesh sizes for Maitreya and Slink are included and as you can see the fit is quite divine on the Slink Physique body. I can’t quite decide if it looks sexiest from the front or the back, so I’ve included shots of both.

Skin Fair: Kirsten by Adam n Eve

Skin Fair: Kirsten by Adam n Eve

Mesh heads are generally Not My Thing. Or rather, I don’t mind playing dress-up now and then, so I sort a mesh head into the same category as elf ears or a drow skin; they can be cool to create a look around, but they’re not what I like to wear on a regular basis. However, as a result of nagging sachi Vixen to make new skins for Adam n Eve now and then, I’ve found myself with the Jessica head from Catwa. Because I am not very familiar with mesh heads (though I do have the Slink heads as well), I won’t be offering an in-depth review of the head, just showing how it can look with the Kirsten applier which is available at the Skin Fair as well as in the Adam n Eve mainstore. What I will look more closely at, however, is a new eye gadget from Damien Fate.

A Simple Life

A Simple Life

Roleplay-oriented gowns in Second Life are quite often on the fancier side, suitable for the ladies of the realm. But sometimes you want to portray other sides of the story and fortunately Senzafine has a new gown out at Genre‘s Medieval round (which is awesome in general) which is perfect for that purpose. Feel like playing Cinderella before she found her prince? Now you have the right dress for the occasion. And if you visit We Love Role-Play, you can pick up a great oven and cookware set from Noble Creations so that you can get your work done too.

Garden Girl

Garden Girl

We Love Role-Play is now open and I am working on another set of photos to showcase some more items from there, but I thought I would sneak in a post from a couple of gatcha events as well, namely the Love & War gatcha (open) and the Secret Affair gatcha (opens on the 6th), to show case a gown from Junbug and more jeweller/accessories from aisling. I also wanted to feature the orchard trees from Dysfunctional Designs which we picked up from the Home Show.

Desert Sunset

Desert Sunset

Just as sachi put the finishing touches to the fabulous desert island in mesh that she’s created…

Fair Helena

Fair Helena

A couple of weeks ago, Tuli released a couple of previews for a new skin at the Dressing Room…

HANDverk Skyboxes

HANDverk Skyboxes

HANDverk has released a pair of elegant low prim skyboxes in mesh, the single (14m x 32m) and…