Tracing the Threads of History and Fantasy



If you ask me, the best female mesh body in Second Life is still Slink Physique Original. I do have an use Maitreya Lara and Legacy as well, it is virtually impossible to blog without at least one of those, but for a natural, realistic look Physique Original can’t be beat. The hip and thigh area, in particular, drives me crazy on the other bodies.

But like I said, I have had to cave in and start using them for blogging. Still, I am always thrilled when a new release that supports Slink Physique Original shows up! The Iris dress from Faida is one such release and this time Titania Halasy gave herself quite a task, modelling the dress for 12 bodies/body variants. And since it is for the Itty Bitty Titty Committée, there’s a version for Slink Physique Original with the Petite Chest Augment and that is precisely what I am wearing here.

Upgrading Myself

Upgrading Myself

Sometimes, it is a struggle to come up with a good idea that results in a pleasing image at the same time as it shows off the item(s) being blogged in a good way. Other times, the idea leaps into your head almost fully formed. That was the case when I opened the latest blogger pack from the Dreaming Thicket, the Ladies’ Crowns Gacha from the Fantasy Gacha Carnival. The idea that came to me was of a woman on a throne, wearing one crown but choosing from a selection of others, including some more “powerful” ones.

A Little Alchemy

A Little Alchemy

Just like yesterday, I am a bit late with this post in relation to the events that some of the new items in it were released at. February has been a very busy month and it could definitely have used a few extra days this year! Fortunately, the setup for this scene was extremely easy as it uses the pre-furnished bonus house from the first Shadow Box series by DRD.

Bella Donna

Bella Donna

The WorldCon in Helsinki is over and we’re starting to recover. We had a fabulous time going to panels, being on a panel, signing our book next to George R.R. Martin and of course going to parties. But now I am pleased to be sitting in my own chair for a while and travelling only within Second Life, which is a lot less strenuous! In order to do justice to as many as possible of the beautiful items that I have received over the last weeks, I will continue to keep my posts a little shorter for a while, to avoid being overwhelmed by the work.

Featured in this post is a new choker and corset from Voluptas Virtualis, a new hairstyle from Wasabi Pills and the rare demon Flutterpup from lassitude & ennui.



The first edition of the Bound subscription box came out today at midnight SL time (I believe you…

Sweet and Tasty

Sweet and Tasty

With our website woes sorted out (upgrading never goes as planned) I can catch up on two posts that…